Campaign Manager

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Campaign Manager 360 to Remove Long-Deprecated Ad Formats

Campaign Manager 360 to Remove Long-Deprecated Ad Formats

21 hours ago

Campaign Manager 360 will permanently delete ad formats deprecated for two or more years in July 202...


Official Source

Official Source

Google is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

Official Source
Display & Video 360 to Roll Out Major Reporting Updates in July 2024

Display & Video 360 to Roll Out Major Reporting Updates in July 2024

3 days ago

Google will update Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 in July 2024. User IDs in Data Trans...


Official Source

Official Source

Google is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

Official Source
Expert's Perspective on Google Marketing Live 2024 Trending ️‍🔥

Expert's Perspective on Google Marketing Live 2024

1 months ago

Google Marketing Live 2024 announced several updates. Ads are being tested in AI Overviews for U.S. ...

Ginny Marvin Annelies Pijffers
What’s in Search Ads 360’s Secret Sauce? - Part Two: Spreading the Sauce in SA360

What’s in Search Ads 360’s Secret Sauce? - Part Two: Spreading the Sauce in SA360

4 months ago

This blog dives into optimizing bids in SA360 using Custom Floodlight Variables (CFVs) for high-valu...