Programmatic Ads

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IAS Expands Measurement Solutions for Microsoft Advertising Network

IAS Expands Measurement Solutions for Microsoft Advertising Network

Integral Ad Science (IAS) has expanded its measurement solutions for the Microsoft Advertising Netwo...

Oracle's Ad Business Collapse Sparks Industry Layoffs and Uncertainty

Oracle's Ad Business Collapse Sparks Industry Layoffs and Uncertainty

Oracle is shutting down its advertising division, leading to hundreds of layoffs. The company’s lead...

Netflix Struggles to Compete in Advertising Market Despite Streaming Dominance

Netflix Struggles to Compete in Advertising Market Despite Streaming Dominance

1 months ago

Netflix, the largest streaming service, struggles to rank in the top 10 for advertisers. Historicall...

Introducing GA4 Auditor - The Ultimate Google Analytics Audit Tool

Introducing GA4 Auditor - The Ultimate Google Analytics Audit Tool


Get a comprehensive GA4 audit report with a customized action plan in minutes. +40 pages, 100 featur...

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Why The Trade Desk Cut Yahoo Video Access for Advertisers

Why The Trade Desk Cut Yahoo Video Access for Advertisers

The Trade Desk disabled access to Yahoo’s video inventory on June 17 over a dispute on labeling medi...

Uber Expands Journey Ads to Programmatic Buyers with Google, Yahoo, and The Trade Desk

Uber Expands Journey Ads to Programmatic Buyers with Google, Yahoo, and The Trade Desk

1 months ago

Uber’s advertising division will now enable programmatic buyers to access its Journey Ads solution a...

The Trade Desk Threatens to Cut Access to Yahoo Video Inventory by July 1st Trending ️‍🔥

The Trade Desk Threatens to Cut Access to Yahoo Video Inventory by July 1st

The Trade Desk and Yahoo are in last-minute talks over labeling Yahoo's media inventory. The dispute...

Roku Launches Roku Exchange to Democratize TV Streaming Advertising

Roku Launches Roku Exchange to Democratize TV Streaming Advertising

1 months ago

Roku has launched Roku Exchange, a new advertising platform for TV streaming that connects ad invent...

Reddit Partners with IAS for Third-Party Ad Verification

Reddit Partners with IAS for Third-Party Ad Verification

Reddit is partnering with Integral Ad Science (IAS) to offer advertisers third-party validation for ...


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Oracle Shuts Down Ad Business After Revenue Plummets from $2 Billion to $300 Million Trending ️‍🔥

Oracle Shuts Down Ad Business After Revenue Plummets from $2 Billion to $300 Million

1 months ago

Oracle is shutting down its ad business, which saw revenue drop to $300 million in the 2024 fiscal y...