Teens Turn to AI Chatbots for Friendship, Sparking Addiction Concerns

May 05, 2024 at 7:21:35 AM

Teens Turn to AI Chatbots for Friendship, Sparking Addiction Concerns

Teens are increasingly interacting with AI chatbots, particularly on the platform Character.AI, launched by two former Google Brain employees in 2022. The platform, which attracts 3.5 million daily users, allows users to interact with or even design their own AI chatbots. One popular chatbot is "Psychologist," which is designed to listen to users' problems and provide advice. While some users find the chatbots helpful and supportive, others report feelings of addiction.

This trend raises questions about the impact of AI on young people's social development and the potential for increased emotional reliance on bots. Many users appreciate the opportunity to vent their emotions or discuss psychological issues without fear of judgment. However, there are concerns about the accuracy and appropriateness of the advice provided by the chatbots, particularly in relation to mental health issues.

In addition to providing emotional support, some users use the platform for role-playing or to interact with characters from books, films, and video games. There are also sexualized bots and bots designed to mimic real-life celebrities. Despite the benefits, there are concerns about the potential for users to become isolated and overly reliant on their AI companions.

While some experts compare interacting with chatbots to logging into an anonymous chat room, cautioning that what happens online might not translate directly in person, others worry that negative experiences with real-life interactions could discourage young users from pursuing relationships with their peers, creating an AI-based loop for social interactions. Despite these concerns, some users credit the chatbots with helping them through difficult times and providing a safe space to express their feelings without judgment.

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