Consent Mode

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Optimizing GA4 Event Tracking: Consent-Ready sGTM for Vendor iFrames

Optimizing GA4 Event Tracking: Consent-Ready sGTM for Vendor iFrames

The article explores the issues of GA4 event tracking with iFrames and suggests a consent-ready sGTM...

Swiss Users' Consent Required for Cookies and Data Use in Ads from July 31, 2024

Swiss Users' Consent Required for Cookies and Data Use in Ads from July 31, 2024

2 months ago

Starting July 31, 2024, advertisers must obtain consent from Swiss users for using cookies or local ...

SGTM Automatically Dispatches GA4 Events After Consent Granted

SGTM Automatically Dispatches GA4 Events After Consent Granted

Server-side Google Tag Manager (SGTM) now automatically redispatches GA4 events after Consent Mode c...