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GA4T: Adobe Target and GA4 Integration Launches for Enhanced Testing

GA4T: Adobe Target and GA4 Integration Launches for Enhanced Testing

10 months ago

Google sunsetted Google Optimize, leaving a gap in testing tools integrated with Google Analytics. MiaProva's GA4T Connector now integrates Adobe Target with GA4, allowing data to be shared between them for better analysis and optimization. Setup involves connecting Adobe Target and GA4 accounts to MiaProva and adding a Google Analytics Integration Tag. MiaProva automates audience creation and provides real-time reporting and alerts.

AI marketing workflows made simple

AI marketing workflows made simple


Markifact is a no-code marketing automation platform that lets users create AI-driven workflows for automating marketing tasks. Users can trigger workflows, connect apps, and track performance through a visual interface. The platform offers pre-built templates, integrates with various marketing tools, and supports team collaboration.


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Optimizing GA4 Event Tracking: Consent-Ready sGTM for Vendor iFrames

Optimizing GA4 Event Tracking: Consent-Ready sGTM for Vendor iFrames

10 months ago

The article explores the issues of GA4 event tracking with iFrames and suggests a consent-ready sGTM solution for improved data control and accuracy. Common problems with GA4 iFrame integrations include broken reporting identity, sessions, and lack of consent management. The proposed solution, needing the ability to inject a GTM container or a vendor to implement JavaScript snippets, ensures accurate data throughout the user journey.

Secure Your Data with BigQuery as Universal Analytics Ends

Secure Your Data with BigQuery as Universal Analytics Ends

10 months ago

Universal Analytics ends on July 1, 2024, necessitating a transition to BigQuery for data storage and analytics. BigQuery offers scalability and a pay-as-you-go model, making it cost-effective. Archiving data into BigQuery future-proofs analytics data. A solution, UA Data Rescue, can preserve five years of UA data. Businesses should act now for a smooth transition.

Unraveling the Complexities of A/B Testing in Marketing Analytics

Unraveling the Complexities of A/B Testing in Marketing Analytics

11 months ago

The article delves into A/B testing in marketing analytics, emphasizing the difficulties of using observational data. It clarifies that randomized experiments are preferred for A/B testing, but sometimes observational data is utilized, potentially leading to incorrect causal inferences. The piece suggests techniques like propensity model matching to equalize treatment and control groups across all confounders, enabling a more precise estimation of the actual causal effect.

Boost Your Ads with First-Party Data Onboarding in SA360 Today

Boost Your Ads with First-Party Data Onboarding in SA360 Today

11 months ago

First-party data onboarding with Search Ads 360 (SA360) allows companies to upload their own data to enhance online advertising campaigns. Benefits include better audience understanding, improved measurement and reporting, automated bidding process, increased bid relevance and accuracy, and controlled advertising costs. This process is a valuable tool for companies looking to maximize their advertising efforts and bid automation.

Google's Cookie Delay Update: Immediate Relief, Not Rest for Marketers

Google's Cookie Delay Update: Immediate Relief, Not Rest for Marketers

Google has delayed the end of third-party cookies (3PC) in Chrome to 2025 due to industry and regulatory concerns. Despite this, Privacy Sandbox initiatives are on track for Q3 2024. The delay allows more time for refining Privacy Sandbox solutions, adapting cookieless strategies, and upskilling teams. Google will continue developing Privacy Sandbox integrations within its Marketing Platform. The industry is urged to continue efforts towards a privacy-focused future.

All About Jobs Information Schema and BiqQuery Processing Costs

All About Jobs Information Schema and BiqQuery Processing Costs

11 months ago

The article focuses on BigQuery costs, particularly storage and processing. It introduces the jobs information schema, simplifying the analysis of jobs within an organization. Users can view jobs at different scopes based on permission levels. The article provides 'quick-start' queries for cost analysis and identifies other BigQuery information schema views.

Understanding YouTube Buying Across Google’s Tech Stack

Understanding YouTube Buying Across Google’s Tech Stack

1 years ago

YouTube offers ad-supported formats on Google platforms. The article details SA360, DV360, and Google Ads. SA360 is ideal for search advertising. DV360 is suitable for multi-channel campaigns, excluding search and social inventory. Google Ads is a starting point for many buyers, offering Google's entire inventory. The piece also advises on when to buy YouTube ads on each platform.

Why Broad Match Is Relevant Again (and How to Use It)

Why Broad Match Is Relevant Again (and How to Use It)

1 years ago

Broad match in advertising is regaining popularity due to enhancements. It now considers word order in search queries and differentiates meanings of same-spelled words. Google prioritizes user intent over keywords, suggesting narrow keyword strategies may lose effectiveness. Broad match adapts by incorporating AI and user personas. It complements smart bidding, providing flexibility. Gradual implementation and negative keyword targeting are advised.