Uber Expands Journey Ads to Programmatic Buyers with Google, Yahoo, and The Trade Desk

June 15, 2024 at 12:30:27 PM

Uber Expands Journey Ads to Programmatic Buyers with Google, Yahoo, and The Trade Desk

Uber's advertising division has expanded its Journey Ads solution to programmatic buyers across the Uber Rides app. This expansion includes partnerships with demand-side platforms such as Google’s Display & Video 360, The Trade Desk, and Yahoo DSP, allowing programmatic buyers in the U.S. and global markets to purchase display and video ads on the app. Journey Ads, first launched in 2022, offer advertisers the ability to target consumers at three distinct phases of their trip.

Key Points

  • Partnerships: Uber has partnered with Google Ad Manager and other demand-side platforms to facilitate this expansion.
  • Ad Performance: Uber claims its Journey Ads deliver a click-through rate of over 3% and an average global view time of more than 100 seconds. Additionally, 80% of users indicated that the ads caught their attention.
  • Target Demographics: Uber’s user base skews young and affluent, providing advertisers with comprehensive consumer profiles and historical purchase patterns.
  • Campaign Success: Early campaigns have shown increased brand favorability, message recall, and purchase intent.
  • Premium Inventory: The expanded availability offers programmatic clients access to Uber’s premium inventory bundled with high-intent first-party data.
  • User Targeting: Uber has established comprehensive user targeting profiles based on historical behavior across both Uber and Uber Eats, allowing for highly targeted ad campaigns.
  • Market Competition: Other ride-hailing and delivery companies like Lyft and Instacart are also enhancing their ad capabilities, indicating a competitive market.

Uber's expansion of Journey Ads to programmatic buyers represents a significant opportunity for advertisers to leverage high-intent first-party data and target consumers effectively during their trips. This move is part of Uber's broader strategy to grow its advertising business, aiming for $1 billion in annual ad revenue by 2024.

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