Amazon Sponsored Products Top of Search Ads Now 39% More Effective Year Over Year

May 23, 2024 at 9:11:55 PM

Amazon Sponsored Products Top of Search Ads Now 39% More Effective Year Over Year

Joe Shelerud, CEO at Ad Advance, highlights the improved performance of Amazon's Sponsored Products Top of Search ads. These ads, traditionally expensive but effective in driving sales, have seen a cost reduction while their impact has increased. Year-over-year performance has improved by 39%.

Shelerud emphasizes the importance of placement optimization for maximizing ad benefits, noting that many brands overlook this strategy. He cites Nordic Naturals as an example of a brand effectively utilizing Top of Search ads.

Key points discussed include:

  • Ad Performance Tracking: Monitoring Amazon Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display ads in various placements.
  • Cost and Impact: Top of Search ad costs have decreased while their effectiveness has risen.
  • Placement Optimization: Essential for maximizing ad performance and sales.
  • Brand Example: Nordic Naturals benefits from Top of Search ads.
  • Strategic Insights: Brands should focus on Top of Search placements to drive sales and optimize ad spend.

Comments from industry professionals underscore the importance of strategic bid adjustments and the challenges of maintaining top positions without high-converting SKUs.


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