Amazon Will Introduce New Placement Modifier for B2B Sales in 2025

May 23, 2024 at 12:25:18 AM

Amazon Will Introduce New Placement Modifier for B2B Sales in 2025

Amazon is planning a significant focus on B2B Sales by 2025, as indicated by an early announcement on its official website. The new feature will not be available until Q4 2024 unless it is part of a Beta program.

The upcoming change involves adding a Placement modifier to Sponsored Products, specifically for Amazon Business.


This feature will benefit sellers involved in B2C and B2B sales, as it could make their listings more competitive within the B2B SERP.

The placement modifier is set independently (0-900) and can be augmented with additional modifiers for placements. This could theoretically increase a $1 bid to over $100 if both modifiers multiply.

In addition, all users will receive additional reporting for the AB segment. Given the growth of this division, this is likely the beginning of new advertising options for Amazon Business.

According to EMARKETER, Amazon Business is projected to generate $43.44 billion in US product sales in 2024, a 12.3% growth year-on-year. This accounts for 2.1% of US B2B e-commerce site sales, surpassing competitors like BigCommerce ($2.58 billion) and Shopify ($11.29 billion).


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