Google Business Profile News

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Google Alerts on Broken Appointment Links for Business Profiles

Google Alerts on Broken Appointment Links for Business Profiles

Google is notifying businesses via email when their Google Business Profile appointment links are br...

Google Business Profiles Performance Report Call Data Missing

Google Business Profiles Performance Report Call Data Missing

Google Business Profiles performance report has removed the "call" tab, which provided data on searc...

Google Business Profiles Websites Now Redirect to 404

Google Business Profiles Websites Now Redirect to 404

Google Business Profiles websites, which initially redirected to Google Maps listings, now result in...

The Ultimate Google Analytics Audit Tool

The Ultimate Google Analytics Audit Tool


Get the most out of your Google Analytics data with GA4 Auditor - a comprehensive audit tool that he...

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Why Google Business Profiles Rejects Your Products

Why Google Business Profiles Rejects Your Products

Google Business Profiles now provides reasons for rejecting uploaded products, a feature previously ...