X's AI Chatbot Grok Now Accessible to Europeans

May 16, 2024 at 3:01:57 AM

X's AI Chatbot Grok Now Accessible to Europeans

X's Grok AI chatbot is now available in Europe, following an agreement with EU regulators. The rollout of Grok's AI search assistant feature has begun for X Premium subscribers. However, the additional Grok news summaries will only be available in the region after the upcoming EU general elections. This delay is likely due to concerns about Grok spreading false stories, particularly in the lead-up to the elections.

Despite the expansion, X's in-app revenue has declined, suggesting a slowing momentum around X Premium. The introduction of Grok access as a bonus has not significantly boosted uptake. Currently, fewer than 0.5% of X users are paying for X Premium.

While X believes its AI chatbot, powered by X posts, is a superior option, OpenAI's ChatGPT has more paying users. Despite expanding Grok to more regions, X faces the challenge of convincing consumers of Grok's value, especially in the face of competition from Meta and Google. Elon Musk, however, is looking to make AI a key focus for X and Tesla, which could potentially increase Grok's relevance.


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