Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has updated its BigQuery schema with a new addition: the session_traffic_source_last_click record. This update enhances the existing traffic source data by including last-click attribution information.
Key Points:
The new record contains session-scoped traffic source information.
This data aligns with last-click attribution data available in the GA4 user interface.
record is an addition to the existing traffic source data in the BigQuery schema.This update provides last-click attribution data for traffic sources at a session level within BigQuery exports.
This addition allows for more detailed analysis of traffic sources based on last-click attribution within BigQuery. It brings the BigQuery export more in line with the data available in the GA4 interface.
However, the introduction of this new record may lead to questions about data consistency. Users might notice differences between this last-click data and other attribution models or traffic source metrics.
Analysts should be prepared to explain the nuances of last-click attribution and how it differs from other attribution methods when interpreting this new data.