CTV Platforms Introduce Non-Traditional Ad Formats: Roku, Samsung, Vizio Lead

May 06, 2024 at 5:05:51 AM

TL;DR Roku, Samsung, and Vizio are introducing new ad formats, including video ads on home screens and interactive ad formats. These innovations aim to tackle the issue of audience fragmentation in streaming. However, the companies are proceeding cautiously, with Roku testing its home-screen ad format sparingly, and Samsung and Vizio reserving immersive experiences for specific advertisers.

CTV Platforms Introduce Non-Traditional Ad Formats: Roku, Samsung, Vizio Lead

Roku, Samsung, and Vizio are introducing non-traditional streaming ad formats, such as home screen placements, moving beyond standard 15- and 30-second interstitials.

Roku and Vizio are adding video ads to their CTV platforms' home screens. Samsung is launching an interactive ad format to replace traditional interstitial ad breaks. These new ad products aim to address the streaming audience fragmentation issue facing advertisers.

Roku is testing a home-screen ad format serving a video ad after viewers click from the Roku City screensaver. However, Roku plans to use this ad format sparingly, connecting it to major events.

Samsung and Vizio are taking a restrained approach to opening up their home-screen inventory to different types of advertisers. Samsung allows non-endemic advertisers to advertise via its home-screen's lower-corner tile ads, but reserves immersive experiences for endemics. Vizio reserves its home-screen ad format for entertainment, quick-service restaurant, and food delivery advertisers.

CTV platforms are opening up home-screen inventory to non-endemic advertisers. Vizio Recommends will be available for QSR and food delivery brands. Roku started expanding its Roku City placements to non-endemic advertisers, starting with McDonald’s and now adding DoorDash.

Home-screen placements are mass-reach opportunities that appeal to traditional TV advertisers beyond the entertainment industry. However, CTV platforms must consider how to incorporate non-entertainment advertisers into their home screens without turning off audiences.


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