Google Announces Deprecation of Real-time Bidding Protocol and Transition to OpenRTB

August 20, 2024 at 5:10:12 AM

TL;DR The Google Real-time Bidding protocol will be deprecated on February 15th, 2025, and will enter maintenance mode on September 1st, 2023. Google advises users to migrate to JSON or Protobuf OpenRTB implementations to avoid service interruptions. The OpenRTB protocol uses IAB Content 1.0 taxonomy for blocked categories. Users can refer to the OpenRTB migration guide and contact Authorized Buyers support for assistance.

Google Announces Deprecation of Real-time Bidding Protocol and Transition to OpenRTB

Google has outlined changes to its real-time bidding (RTB) system, affecting advertisers and ad tech companies using its platform.

Key Updates

  1. Protocol Deprecation: The Google Real-time Bidding protocol will sunset on February 15th, 2025.

  2. Maintenance Mode: From September 1st, 2023, the protocol will enter maintenance mode, stopping non-critical feature and quality of service updates.

  3. Migration Guidance: Google recommends users migrate to JSON or Protobuf OpenRTB implementations to access the latest features and avoid service interruptions.

  4. Taxonomy Change: OpenRTB will use IAB Content 1.0 taxonomy instead of Google's product and sensitive category IDs for describing categories blocked by publishers.

New Feature

  • DetectedCategories Field: Added to the Real-time Bidding API's creatives resource, this field identifies detected categories for creatives using IAB's taxonomy.

Advertiser Considerations

  • Advertisers can use the detectedCategories field to align creative categories with publisher restrictions, potentially reducing bid filtering.

Recommended Actions

  1. Plan migration to OpenRTB implementations.
  2. Use the OpenRTB migration guide provided by Google.
  3. Familiarize with IAB Content 1.0 taxonomy for category management.

This update aligns Google's ad tech infrastructure more closely with industry standards while aiming to improve bidding efficiency.

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