Quora Flooded with Fake AI Content After Google Algorithm Update

June 17, 2024 at 2:18:34 PM

Quora Flooded with Fake AI Content After Google Algorithm Update

Google's recent algorithm updates, aimed at surfacing more personal experiences and opinions in search results, have inadvertently led to a surge in spam content on Quora. Ori Zilbershtein highlights how these changes, combined with AI tools like ChatGPT, have made Quora a hotbed for spam.

Algorithm Updates and Spam Surge

In late 2023, Google updated its algorithms to prioritize personal experiences and opinions. This change, coupled with the ease of generating content using AI tools, has led to an increase in spam on Quora. Quora's low barrier to entry and weak anti-spam measures make it particularly vulnerable.


Before these updates, there was little financial incentive to spam Quora due to its low visibility. However, since December, Google's algorithm changes have made Quora questions more visible in search results, increasing the incentive to spam.

Lack of Moderation on Quora

Unlike Reddit, which has communities with moderators, Quora lacks robust guardrails to protect against spam content, fake profiles, and upvoting manipulations. This allows spammers to create networks of fake profiles to manipulate upvotes and appear prominently in Google search results.

Zilbershtein provides an example of a fake profile, "Margaret Shaffer," created on June 1, 2024, which answered 159 questions in a short span. Most answers were short articles generated by ChatGPT, and the profile garnered over 26,000 views in 17 days, driven by Google's ranking.


The issue is particularly concerning for medical queries. Fake AI profiles often provide authoritative answers to serious health-related questions, which should ideally be answered by experts. Examples include queries about back pain, pregnancy-related pain, and symptoms of possible cancer.

Google's Response and Challenges

Google has attempted to reduce spam by claiming a 45% reduction in low-quality content. However, the spam has resurfaced through platforms like Quora and Reddit. Google has struck a $60 million deal with Reddit to train their AI to detect spam, but a similar collaboration with Quora is uncertain.

The ease and profitability of creating spam content using AI tools have led to a significant increase in spam on Quora. Google's algorithm updates have inadvertently incentivized this behavior, and the company faces challenges in maintaining the quality of search results.

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