Reddit has partnered with DoubleVerify to enhance Brand Safety and Brand Suitability reporting for Reddit ads. This integration aims to provide advertisers with greater transparency and control over the content their ads appear next to, ensuring alignment with their brand values.
Key Features of the Partnership
- Server-to-Server Integration: Enables comprehensive measurement and in-geo reporting of Reddit's ad delivery.
- High Safety Standards: Initial tests show that over 99% of impressions were adjacent to content deemed safe.
- Content Classification: DoubleVerify uses proprietary methodologies to classify content into Brand Safety and Brand Suitability categories, with risk levels (High, Medium, Low) for each category.
Brand Suitability vs. Brand Safety
- Brand Suitability: Requires advertisers to select a risk level appropriate for their brand.
- Brand Safety: Always considered serious and undesirable, does not require risk levels.
Customization and Optimization
- Advertisers can refine their ad delivery using DoubleVerify's reporting insights.
- DoubleVerify provides detailed insights and incident reporting through their DV Pinnacle® platform.
- Advertisers can adjust their settings based on the data to better align with their brand's safety and suitability preferences.
Getting Started
Advertisers interested in leveraging this new feature can:
- Contact their Reddit or DoubleVerify representative.
- Visit DoubleVerify’s website or Reddit’s Brand Safety and Suitability page for more information.
About DoubleVerify
DoubleVerify is a leading media effectiveness platform that uses AI to enhance ad transactions, ensuring a fair value exchange in the digital advertising ecosystem.