Meta Platforms announced that its upcoming “Community Notes” feature, which allows users to annotate posts deemed false or needing context, will not apply to paid advertisements. This decision follows CEO Mark Zuckerberg's statement about replacing traditional fact-checkers with Community Notes. Unlike X's system, which affects both paid and unpaid posts, Meta's version will only impact organic content, including influencers' sponsored posts that are not boosted by Meta.
While Community Notes will be implemented for organic posts, details regarding how it will affect brands' and influencers' unpromoted posts remain unclear. Meta plans to evaluate and refine the system as it rolls out in the U.S. over the next few months. The company reported a record revenue of $40.59 billion in Q3 2024, with 96% derived from ad sales, highlighting the importance of its platforms in marketing strategies.
Organic sponsored posts typically account for 25% to 50% of brands' marketing campaigns on Meta and TikTok. However, the new system may lead advertisers and creators to avoid organic content to mitigate the risk of receiving negative Community Notes. This shift could result in a decrease in sponsored content on creator pages, as noted by experts in social media marketing. Overall, there is significant confusion among brands regarding the implications of Community Notes on their advertising strategies.