Google Used AI to Analyze Over 8,000 YouTube Ads. Here Are the Key Learnings

June 15, 2024 at 9:16:39 AM

Google Used AI to Analyze Over 8,000 YouTube Ads. Here Are the Key Learnings

YouTube has become a hub for creative brand stories, from menu updates to sustainability missions and trailblazers in skateboarding. Advertisers leverage YouTube's unique ability to reach engaged audiences across various screens and formats. However, understanding which stories resonate emotionally with audiences requires deeper insights.

To uncover these insights, data scientists used Google AI to analyze 8,000 YouTube campaigns from top advertisers over six months. Using a custom large language model, they extracted insights on sentiment, themes, visual elements, spoken language, music, and cultural references. This analysis revealed 750 insights and signals per category, highlighting trends, best practices, and nuances that set top-performing videos apart.

Key Creative Trends

1. Increased Representation

Many ads this year expanded representation, featuring characters in norm-defying roles and highlighting accessibility. Examples include:

  • Apple: A father in a wheelchair using his phone’s personal voice feature to read bedtime stories.
  • Google Pixel: AI technology helping people with blindness capture life's moments.

2. Celebrating Self-Expression

Ads focused on characters' unique personalities, styles, and self-expression. For instance:

  • Tissot: "Off the Cuff" featuring Gen Z characters with edgy makeup and vintage cars.
  • Audi: "Living Progress" campaign with Jorja Smith sharing her journey from barista to award-winning artist.

3. Community and Connection

Storytelling shifted from pandemic isolation to public gatherings and human connections. Examples include:

  • BMW: An elderly man recalling memories with his son.
  • Nintendo Switch: Sisters bonding over Super Mario, involving their mother and grandmother.

4. Magic and Fantasy

Ads used dreamlike backdrops and fantastical settings to inspire imagination:

  • Yugiohtae: Dreamlike backdrops for a travel adventure.
  • Pedigree: A boy imagining his rescue dog’s previous life.

5. Trust and Engagement

Brands partner with creators and use Shorts to build trust and lifelong fans:

  • Lululemon: Featuring YouTube creator Casey Neistat.
  • Axe: Blind smell test with sports influencers.
  • Pizza Hut: Authentic way to eat a slice.
  • McDonald’s: History lesson about Chicken McNuggets.

These practices, combined with new technologies, ensure that YouTube remains a platform where brands can unleash their creativity and reach engaged audiences.

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