Snapchat AR Survey Reveals How Augmented Reality Reduces Emissions and Waste

June 06, 2024 at 4:56:50 AM

Snapchat AR Survey Reveals How Augmented Reality Reduces Emissions and Waste

Snapchat's survey with Alter Agents reveals that Augmented Reality (AR) can significantly reduce emissions and waste through virtual try-ons, food portion visualization, and virtual events. This potential for environmental benefits could increase AR adoption and the willingness to pay for enhanced AR options. Snapchat's evolving AR tools offer valuable experiences with a notable environmental impact.

Driving Sustainability Through Augmented Reality

AR acts as a catalyst for sustainable change, driven by consumer insights. The convergence of technology and sustainability has opened innovative ways to address environmental challenges while boosting business performance. AR, though not new, is emerging as a potent tool for advancing sustainability efforts and enhancing profitability.

The Widespread Adoption of AR and Its Intersection with Sustainability

AR technology is rapidly transforming various sectors, including retail, entertainment, and automotive, with a projected value of $1.2 trillion by 2030. Consumers embrace AR features that enhance shopping experiences, such as virtual try-ons and customized product views. Studies show that AR increases consumer confidence and purchase intent, with 80% of shoppers feeling more confident in their purchases after using AR. Brands need to harness AR's potential to drive sustainable practices that benefit consumers, brands, and the environment.

AR's Impact on Sustainability

The study, conducted with Alter Agents, explored how AR can enhance sustainability efforts across various sectors:

  • Entertainment: Virtual events using AR reduce the need for travel.
  • Automotive: AR allows customers to view and customize vehicles before purchase.
  • Retail: AR provides sourcing information for sustainability transparency.
  • Quick-Service Restaurants (QSR): AR visualizes food portions to reduce waste.
  • Personal Care: AR enables virtual try-ons to reduce product returns. Stats.jpg

Key Findings

  • Impact on People: AR's sustainability benefits, such as virtual sizing guides and reduced returns, attract consumers and streamline shopping experiences.
  • Impact on Profit: AR experiences increase consumer confidence, purchase intent, and willingness to pay more, translating into global revenue growth for brands.
  • Impact on the Planet: Consumers are ready to use AR to reduce their carbon footprint and material waste. A study by Circular Ecology shows that AR-powered online shopping can reduce carbon emissions by up to 46%.

Four Critical Elements to Amplify AR Sustainability Efforts

  1. Technology: High-quality AR increases consumer confidence, reduces returns, and replaces carbon-intensive activities.
  2. Advocacy: Brands must champion sustainability within their organizations to integrate AR sustainability initiatives.
  3. Education: Brands should educate consumers on how AR can contribute to sustainable living and transparently showcase its benefits.
  4. Transparency: Companies must openly communicate their AR practices to build trust and authenticity, avoiding 'greenwashing'. Ultimately_helping_to_elevate_brand_favorability_2.jpg


AR is evolving beyond enriching consumer experiences to become an agent of positive change, reshaping sustainability and profitability. By embracing AR technology, advocating for sustainability, educating consumers, and practicing transparency, brands can lead the charge toward a future where sustainability and profit go hand in hand.

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