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Clustering SEO Keywords using OpenAI Batch API, Saving 50% in Cost

Clustering SEO Keywords using OpenAI Batch API, Saving 50% in Cost

4 months ago

OpenAI's Batch API allows grouped requests at half the cost, ideal for non-immediate tasks. It's use...

Building Smart Data Pipeline with Firestore, LangChain, and BigQuery

Building Smart Data Pipeline with Firestore, LangChain, and BigQuery

6 months ago

AI BigQuery +1 more

The author explains how to build a data pipeline for transferring user data from Firestore to BigQue...

Detecting and Classifying Bot Traffic in GA4 with BigQuery ML

Detecting and Classifying Bot Traffic in GA4 with BigQuery ML

The article guides on detecting and classifying bot traffic in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) using BigQue...

Top-Notch Google Analytics Audit Tool

Top-Notch Google Analytics Audit Tool


Get comprehensive Google Analytics Audit: 40 pages, 100+ features analyzed, 3 themes, 3 file formats...

GA4 Auditor
GA4 Auditor

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Script to Monitor Facebook Ads Change History in Google Sheets

Script to Monitor Facebook Ads Change History in Google Sheets

6 months ago

The article offers a guide to track Facebook Ads change history in Google Sheets. The author's scrip...

Upload Facebook Ads to BigQuery via App Scripts

Upload Facebook Ads to BigQuery via App Scripts

6 months ago

The article offers a guide on integrating Facebook ads data into BigQuery using Google App Scripts. ...

Building Keywords Generator with Google Sheets & Keyword Planner API Trending ️‍🔥

Building Keywords Generator with Google Sheets & Keyword Planner API

6 months ago

The article is a guide on automating keyword research using Google Ads Keyword Planner API and Googl...

Using OpenAI GPT-3 to generate Text Ads and Keywords Trending ️‍🔥

Using OpenAI GPT-3 to generate Text Ads and Keywords

6 months ago

OpenAI's GPT-3, a pre-trained ML model, is enhancing services of Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Th...

Auditing GA4 Traffic Source UTMs via BigQuery Trending ️‍🔥

Auditing GA4 Traffic Source UTMs via BigQuery

The article provides a guide on using BigQuery to audit GA4 UTMs. It explains the use of the 'Landin...

Solving Facebook Reach Deduplication in BigQuery Trending ️‍🔥

Solving Facebook Reach Deduplication in BigQuery

6 months ago

The article provides a solution for Facebook Reach Deduplication in BigQuery using Python. Reach, a ...