Piwik Pro Introduces Customizable Real-Time Reporting

June 20, 2024 at 8:55:57 AM

Piwik Pro Introduces Customizable Real-Time Reporting

Real Time Report is coming to PiwikPro. The feature offers customizable real-time reports with a variety of chart types, dimensions for live metrics drill-down, and comprehensive visitor and hit metrics.

Real-time reporting in analytics involves generating and delivering reports on data as it is collected or updated. This allows businesses to see current website or app interactions, visitor numbers, and goal conversions.

Benefits and Uses

  • Quick Response: Marketers and analysts can dynamically manage marketing content and campaigns or identify anomalies.
  • Time-Sensitive Analysis: Useful for operational data, sales numbers, and inventory metrics.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Display crucial data and simplify day-to-day management by combining multiple data sources into a single view for sharing across teams and stakeholders.

Piwik Real-time

Key Considerations

  • Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with real-time data.
  • Choose the Right Vendor: Select an analytics provider that meets your needs.
  • Customize Dashboards: Tailor dashboards for different users.
  • Ensure Data Quality: Maintain data consistency and accuracy.

Real-time analytics is transformative for businesses like publishers, ecommerce, ad agencies, and event companies, with applications in content performance, live traffic monitoring, and more

For more details, please visit Piwik site.

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