Google Testing New Mobile Snippet Formats: Bold URLs, Larger Favicons, Date Display

June 17, 2024 at 6:18:29 AM

Google Testing New Mobile Snippet Formats: Bold URLs, Larger Favicons, Date Display

Google is preparing to make changes to web page snippets. Various updates have been observed, including:

Recent Changes in Snippets

  1. Mobile Test with Grey Rectangle: A light grey rectangle now surrounds the site name, favicon, and URL in mobile snippets. 1718539211408.jpeg
  2. Bold Root Domain Name: Google is making the root domain name of the website bold. 1718539211564.jpeg
  3. Date Before Website Name: Dates are being added before the website name (e.g., "5 Days ago;"). 1718539210303.jpeg
  4. Bold Full Website URL: The full website URL is being made bold. 1718539209935.jpeg

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