Google Introduces 'Web' Filter for Text-based Links in Search Results

May 14, 2024 at 9:04:08 PM

Google Introduces 'Web' Filter for Text-based Links in Search Results

Google has introduced a new search filter named "Web" that allows users to view only text-based links in their search results. This filter eliminates images, videos, and other forms of search results, leaving only the traditional blue links. The Web filter can be found alongside other filters in the menu, sometimes on the same line as the video and news filters, or under the "more" menu.

The creation of the Web filter was advocated by Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan. He expressed his satisfaction with the introduction of the filter, stating that it was developed in response to feedback from users who sometimes prefer to see only links to web pages in their search results. This could be due to a preference for longer-form text documents, limited internet access, or simply a desire for text-based results separate from search features.

The Web filter was initially tested as "web results" in February of the current year. This new feature allows users to remove forums, videos, news, images, or other forms of search results, enabling a return to the pre-2007 universal search days where only text-links were displayed.


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