Gary Illyes

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robots.txt Turns 30, Why Web Crawlers Ignore Your Typos

robots.txt Turns 30, Why Web Crawlers Ignore Your Typos

1 days ago

robots.txt is 30 years old and is virtually error-free because parsers ignore mistakes, ensuring the...

Gary Illyes
Gary Illyes

Official Source

Official Source

Gary Illyes is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

Official Source
Google Explains Why Soft 404s Are Bad for SEO

Google Explains Why Soft 404s Are Bad for SEO

4 days ago

Soft 404s and other hidden errors are problematic for web crawlers. When a page returns an HTTP 200 ...

Gary Illyes
Gary Illyes

Official Source

Official Source

Gary Illyes is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

Official Source
Google Explains When to Fix 404 Errors

Google Explains When to Fix 404 Errors

7 days ago

Gary Illyes from Google advises not to worry excessively about 404 errors. A 404 status code indicat...

Gary Illyes
Gary Illyes

Official Source

Official Source

Gary Illyes is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

Official Source
Google Warns of Sudden Crawl Increase: Check for Infinite Spaces, Hacked Content

Google Warns of Sudden Crawl Increase: Check for Infinite Spaces, Hacked Content

12 days ago

Google warns that a sudden increase in crawling can indicate both positive and negative issues. Comm...

Gary Illyes
Gary Illyes

Official Source

Official Source

Gary Illyes is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

Official Source
Google's Gary Illyes Urges Disallowing Crawling of Action URLs to Save Server Resources

Google's Gary Illyes Urges Disallowing Crawling of Action URLs to Save Server Resources

20 days ago

Google's Gary Illyes encourages users to disallow crawling of action URLs to save server resources a...

Gary Illyes
Gary Illyes

Official Source

Official Source

Gary Illyes is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

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