How to Save 90% on BigQuery Storage Costs by Changing Default Configurations

May 27, 2024 at 4:26:25 PM

How to Save 90% on BigQuery Storage Costs by Changing Default Configurations

In an actual project, a senior Big Data Engineer at Tikal reduced BigQuery storage costs by 90% by changing a default configuration.

The key points include:

  • Default Configurations: Tools often come with default settings that may not be optimal for specific workflows.
  • BigQuery Time Travel: This feature allows retrieving older data states but increases storage costs.
  • Billing Models:
    • Physical Bytes: Includes time travel and fail-safe storage.
    • Logical Bytes: Excludes time travel and fail-safe storage.

Configuration Changes:

  • Set billing mode to physical bytes:
    ALTER SCHEMA my_landing_zone
    SET OPTIONS(storage_billing_model = 'PHYSICAL');
  • Reduce time travel window to 48 hours:
    ALTER SCHEMA my_landing_zone
    SET OPTIONS(max_time_travel_hours = 48);

Assessment Steps:

  1. Cost Savings: Use SQL queries to forecast costs and compare different billing models.
  2. Usage Needs: Determine if time travel is necessary for each dataset.
  3. Risks: Weigh the trade-offs between upfront storage costs and re-ingestion costs.
  4. Re-ingest Costs: Utilize free batch ingestion where possible.
  5. Re-ingest Complexity: Design pipelines for idempotent backfilling to simplify re-ingestion.


  • Read Documentation: Understand vendor pricing structures.
  • Design for Cost Efficiency: Implement changes that balance cost savings with operational needs.

These adjustments resulted in significant cost savings while maintaining data integrity and operational efficiency.

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