X has launched a dedicated video tab for US users, replacing the Communities section after a year of testing. Video views have increased by 40% year-over-year, and the new tab provides a full-screen video feed. This update focuses on enhancing user experience and engagement rather than acquiring new users, aiming to improve video interaction and create advertising opportunities.
X has launched a mandatory labeling system for parody and fan accounts, featuring a jester's hat icon. This update aims to enhance user experience by clearly distinguishing between official accounts and parody accounts, addressing confusion among users. The change responds to challenges like impersonation incidents linked to blue verification checkmarks, which affected brand trust. The jester's hat icon will help users identify parody content more easily.
Marketing Auditor simplifies your audit process, letting you generate comprehensive, white-label reports in just a few clicks. Save over 10 hours per report while analyzing 200+ data points and delivering 50+ pages of actionable insights. Customize reports with professional themes or your own branding, and export them in editable formats like PowerPoint or Google Slides to showcase your expertise.
X has launched its official merchandise store, starting with a limited selection of branded apparel including t-shirts and caps. Currently, the store ships only within the U.S. and purchases are online-only. The launch aims to engage platform enthusiasts, create a tangible brand connection, build community identification, and support platform visibility. Future product expansion is promised, marking X's venture into branded merchandise.
X launches 'Lightning Notes' to enhance community fact-checking speed. Notes can go live in as little as 14 minutes after being written, thanks to a new scoring system and 800k+ global contributors. Contributors can write notes on specific images or videos, which automatically show on new posts with matching media. Research shows notes reduce sharing of posts by 60%, increase deletion by 80%, and are highly accurate.
X has announced significant changes to its API pricing and features. Free Tier now includes 500 posts/month and 50 reads/month, with free verified services. Basic Tier increases to $200/month or $1,800/year with a 25% discount, limited to 1 top-up. Pro Tier remains $5,000/month or $54,000/year with a 10% discount, also limited to 1 top-up. Changes were communicated via email but are not yet in online documentation.
X, formerly Twitter, has revamped its Creator Revenue Sharing program to link creator content directly with compensation, potentially boosting payouts. Key changes include engagement-based payouts from Premium users, direct user support through X Premium subscriptions, and growth-linked earnings tied to Premium subscription increases. This aims to enhance earnings, incentivize quality content, and grow Premium subscriber bases.
X has launched the beta version of X TV, aiming to become a video-centric platform and compete in the connected TV space. Key features include a video-first interface, AI-powered content curation, cross-device compatibility, and new advertising opportunities. This aligns with X's strategy to diversify content offerings and expand in the video streaming market. Success will depend on content quality, user adoption, and AI recommendations.
X has updated its analytics features for Verified Organizations users, introducing Insights, a real-time analysis tool for understanding market trends and public opinion. The update includes keyword analytics and conversation velocity tracking, beneficial for measuring trends and strategizing. These advanced insights, previously available only via advanced tools, are now exclusive to Verified Organizations subscribers, costing $200 to $1,000 monthly.
xAI has launched Grok-2 and Grok-2 mini, advanced language models with superior reasoning, chat, and coding capabilities. Grok-2 outperforms Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4-Turbo on the LMSYS leaderboard. Both models are available in beta on the π platform and will be accessible via an enterprise API. Grok-2 excels in academic benchmarks and vision-based tasks. Premium users on π can access these models, which offer real-time information integration.