Will Harper

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Power BI: Enhance Reports with Dynamic Metrics and Dimensions

Power BI: Enhance Reports with Dynamic Metrics and Dimensions

6 months ago

Microsoft Power BI's Field Parameters feature enables users to consolidate multiple visuals into one...

Automate Your GA4 Audit - Say Goodbye to Manual Checks!

Automate Your GA4 Audit - Say Goodbye to Manual Checks!


Get a comprehensive GA4 audit report with a customized action plan in minutes. +40 pages, 100 featur...

GA4 Auditor
GA4 Auditor

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Microsoft PowerBI: Customizable Filter Panes for Enhanced User Experience

Microsoft PowerBI: Customizable Filter Panes for Enhanced User Experience

6 months ago

Microsoft PowerBI now allows users to create custom, toggle-able filter panes using two simple Bookm...