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Power BI April 2024 Feature Summary

Power BI April 2024 Feature Summary

5 months ago

The April 2024 update for Power BI includes line enhancements, workspace folder support, and dynamic...

Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Power BI

Official Source

Official Source

Microsoft Power BI is a Official Source. The source has been verified by Swipe Insight team.

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Power BI: Enhance Reports with Dynamic Metrics and Dimensions

Power BI: Enhance Reports with Dynamic Metrics and Dimensions

6 months ago

Microsoft Power BI's Field Parameters feature enables users to consolidate multiple visuals into one...

Audit your GA4 account in Minutes

Audit your GA4 account in Minutes


Automated Google Analytics audit tool that delivers a comprehensive Google Analytics audit report wi...

GA4 Auditor
GA4 Auditor

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