Steve Lamar

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GA4 Revives 'Saved Segments' as 'Comparisons' with Limited Functionality

GA4 Revives 'Saved Segments' as 'Comparisons' with Limited Functionality

4 months ago

New feature in GA4, now called Comparisons, previously known as Saved Segments, has been reintroduce...

GA4's Conversion/Key Event Report Missing, Recreate Now Using GA4Builder

GA4's Conversion/Key Event Report Missing, Recreate Now Using GA4Builder

4 months ago

The Conversions/Key Events report, which was previously available in the collections of GA4, has bee...

 A neat way to filter data in Looker Studio

A neat way to filter data in Looker Studio

6 months ago

Instead of using a dropdown filter, add a table using the dimension you want to filter. The table di...

Audit your GA4 account in Minutes

Audit your GA4 account in Minutes


Automated Google Analytics audit tool that delivers a comprehensive Google Analytics audit report wi...

GA4 Auditor
GA4 Auditor

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