Siavash Kanani

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Looker Studio Rolls Out Bins for Flexible Metric Buckets Trending ️‍🔥

Looker Studio Rolls Out Bins for Flexible Metric Buckets

24 days ago

New Looker Studio feature "Bins" allows for flexible metric bucketing with equal or custom sizes, si...

How to apply Comparison Date Range to Bar Charts in Looker Studio

How to apply Comparison Date Range to Bar Charts in Looker Studio

1 months ago

Here's a workaround to apply Comparison Date Range to Bar Charts in Looker Studio using Data Blendin...

BigQuery's SQL Toolbox Now Features GAP_FILL Function for Time Series Analysis

BigQuery's SQL Toolbox Now Features GAP_FILL Function for Time Series Analysis

3 months ago

BigQuery's SQL toolbox now includes the GAP_FILL function, designed to address missing data in time ...