Roman Krs

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Switch from LinkedIn Leadgen to Direct Booking for Increased Demo Requests

Switch from LinkedIn Leadgen to Direct Booking for Increased Demo Requests

Instead of LinkedIn's Leadgen form for demo requests, consider a direct link to the booking form. The Leadgen form has benefits but often needs follow-ups and leads may not respond. The direct link offers a similar user experience and leads to a simple page for time selection and form filling. This method has low friction and distraction. Don't solely rely on this campaign type; also focus on brand awareness and prospect education.

Marketing Workflows Powered by AI

Marketing Workflows Powered by AI


Markifact is a no-code marketing automation platform that lets users create AI-driven workflows for automating marketing tasks. Users can trigger workflows, connect apps, and track performance through a visual interface. The platform offers pre-built templates, integrates with various marketing tools, and supports team collaboration.


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