Benjamin Tilley

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Good Vs Bad Email Marketing: The Difference in Execution and Results

Good Vs Bad Email Marketing: The Difference in Execution and Results

12 months ago

Bad email marketing focuses solely on selling, often aggressively. On the other hand, good email marketing starts by welcoming the recipient, empathizing with their needs, educating them about the product or service, and then selling. The approach and outcomes of the two methods are significantly different.

The Ultimate Google Analytics Audit Tool

The Ultimate Google Analytics Audit Tool


Get the most out of your Google Analytics data with Marketing Auditor – a powerful tool that helps you uncover and fix errors in minutes. Generate white-label reports packed with actionable insights and a customized action plan to optimize your analytics setup effortlessly. Customize reports with professional themes or your branding, and export them in editable formats like PowerPoint or Google Slides.